Oneball 4WD Snowboard Wax 5 Pack
4WD is using our World Cup race proven wax formulas.
When in doubt, on a trip, going to a race, or you just want the best assortment of waxes in your tune bag. Look no further than the 4WD and X-Wax 5-Packs!
Includes 5– 45g bars of Warm, Cool, Cold, Ice Cold and Base Prep Waxes. Be prepared with a wax for every snow condition. Race-proven formulas using the highest quality hydrocarbon waxes. 4WD wax is an excellent everyday and training wax. For race days, get our X-Wax with Mineral Speed Additives. No additives. Contains no flouro.
Size: 45 x 5 bars = 225g
Hot Waxing: Base must be clean and dry. Hot wax your base with the temperature specific wax for best results. Let wax cool completely and scrape with a plastic scraper. Brush out remaining wax from base and polish smooth.
ICE COLD waxes require complete scraping and brushing.